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Skoðunarþjónustur Byggðastofnunar
Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_berggrunnurMork_1utg_li: Línur sýna þekkt mörk berggrunns. [Lines showing certain boundaries of bedrock.] Tilheyra flákagögn 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl). [Follows the polygon data 'ni_j100v Berggrunnur á Austurlandi – 1:100.000' (j100v_austurland_berggrunnur_1utg_fl).]
Útlínur dregnar eftir Landsat 1 gervihnattamyndum frá 1973 og tiltækum uppréttum loftmyndum úr safni Náttúrufræðistofnunar frá áttunda áratug 20. aldar. Útlínur nokkurra jökla voru dregnar eftir Hexagon KH9 gervihnattamyndum.
The Geonetwork Catalog of the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS) https://abds.is/ is an integral component of the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) initiative https://www.caff.is/. CAFF is a working group of the Arctic Council dedicated to addressing the conservation challenges facing Arctic biodiversity and promoting sustainable management practices in the region. As part of CAFF's mandate, the ABDS aims to provide a comprehensive and accessible repository of biodiversity-related data and information specific to the Arctic. The Geonetwork Catalog within ABDS serves as a centralized platform for discovering, accessing, and sharing geospatial datasets relevant to Arctic biodiversity conservation and management. It hosts a diverse range of spatial data layers, including species distribution maps, habitat classifications, ecosystem assessments, land cover maps, and more. These datasets are sourced from various contributors, including scientific research projects, monitoring programs, government agencies, indigenous knowledge holders, and non-governmental organizations. Hereafter you can find the WMS, WFS and GeoNetwork connections.
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