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    Niðurhalsþjónustur Veðurstofunnar.

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    Skoðunarþjónustur Minjastofnunar

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    Land og skógur, niðurhalsþjónustur (áður Skógræktin).

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    Útlínur dregnar eftir Landsat og SPOT-5 gervihnattamyndum, uppréttum loftmyndum frá Loftmyndum ehf. og skáflugmyndum.

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    Copernicus is the Earth observation component of the European Union’s Space programme, looking at our planet and its environment to benefit all European citizens. It offers information services that draw from satellite Earth Observation and in-situ (non-space) data. The European Commission manages the Programme. It is implemented in partnership with the Member States, the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), EU Agencies and Mercator Océan. Vast amounts of global data from satellites and ground-based, airborne, and seaborne measurement systems provide information to help service providers, public authorities, and other international organisations improve European citizens' quality of life and beyond. The information services provided are free and openly accessible to users. But why is it called Copernicus you may ask? By choosing Copernicus's name, we are paying homage to a great European scientist and observer: Nicolaus Copernicus. Copernicus' theory of the heliocentric universe made a pioneering contribution to modern science. Copernicus opened man to an infinite universe, previously limited by the rotation of the planets and the sun around the Earth, and created an understanding of a world without borders. Humanity was able to benefit from his insight. This set in motion a spirit of discovery through scientific research, which allowed us to understand better the world we live in. These value-adding activities are streamlined through six thematic streams of Copernicus services: - Atmosphere CAMS - Marine CMEMS - Land CLMS - Climate Change C3S - Security - Emergency EMS

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    [IS] WMS þjónusta fyrir drónamyndir frá Landmælingum Íslands. [EN] WMS service to serve drone imagery from the national land survey of Iceland.

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_p: Jökulrákir á Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Glacial striations of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Gögn eru flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum, nema fitjueigindir: jokulrakastefna: stefna jökulráka er mæld í kortlagningu og sýnir skriðstefnu jökuls. aldur: ef fleiri en ein stefna er á rákunum er metinn afstæður aldur: yngri, aldur og aldur02. [The data follows the ÍST120:2012 data standard with these additional feature attributes: jokulrakastefna: indicates the direction of striations found during mapping. aldur: if more than one set of striations is found this indicates the relative age: yngri (younger), aldur (older), and aldur02 (oldest, if 3 sets are present).]

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    Útlínur dregnar eftir uppréttum loftmyndum frá Loftmyndum ehf. og einnig eftir Landsat 8 gervihnattamyndum á nokkrum stöðum.

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    The high resolution forest product consists of three types of (status) products and additional change products. The status products are available for the 2012 and 2015 reference years: 1. Tree cover density providing level of tree cover density in a range from 0-100% 2. Dominant leaf type providing information on the dominant leaf type: broadleaved or coniferous 3. A Forest type product. The forest type product allows to get as close as possible to the FAO forest definition. In its original (20m) resolution it consists of two products: 1) a dominant leaf type product that has a MMU of 0.5 ha, as well as a 30% tree cover density threshold applied, and 2) a support layer that maps, based on the dominant leaf type product, trees under agricultural use and in urban context (derived from CLC and high resolution imperviousness 2009 data). For the final 100m product trees under agricultural use and urban context from the support layer are removed. The high resolution forest change products comprise a simple tree cover density change product for 2012-2015 (% increase or decrease of real tree cover density changes). A verification of the Dominant Leaf Type layer was performed by the Institute of Nature Research during autumn of 2018 and the data and resulting report are made available on the NLSI websites.

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    EN: Groundwaterbodies in Iceland as reported to WISE on 22.12.2018. "Groundwater" means all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil. For further description of dataset fields and field valuessee GML schema here: http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/schemas/WFD2016/GML_GroundWaterBody_2016.xsd IS: Grunnvatnshlot á Íslandi miðað við skil inn í WISE upplýsingakerfið þann 22.12.2018. "Grunnvatn" merkir vatn, kalt eða heitt, sem er neðan jarðar í samfelldu lagi, kyrrstætt eða rennandi, og fyllir að jafnaði allt samtengt holrúm í viðkomandi jarðlagi. Nánari lýsing á eigindum og gildum gagnasettsins má finna í GML skema hér. Um er að ræða grunnvatnshlot sem notuð eru til að gefa upp ástand vatns á Íslandi. Nánari lýsing á eigindum og gildum gagnasettsins má finna í GML skema hér: http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/schemas/WFD2016/GML_GroundWaterBody_2016.xsd