

68 record(s)
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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_fl: Flákar sem sýna gjallgíga í jarðlagastafla Austurlands. [Polygon data of scoria cones in Eastern Iceland.}

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_gigar_1utg_li: Útlínur öskjurima útkulnaðra megineldsstöðva. [Outlines of calderas of extinct volcanos.] Útlínur miða við höggun, dreifingu þursabergs og móbergsmyndana. [The lines are based on local tectonics, distribution of agglomerates and hyaloclastites.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_li: Jarðgrunnsgögn af Vesturgosbelti Íslands, línulag. [Surface deposits of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland, line data.] Kortlagðar eru setmyndanir á yfirborði, s.s. jökulgarðar og jökulset. Nýr kóði fyrir fitjueigindina 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): jm08 = ummerki jökuljaðars. [Mapped surface deposits of moraines and glacial sediments. New code for feature attribute 'Jarðmyndun og landmótun lausra jarðefna' (jardmLandmJardefna): jm08 = traces of ice margin.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_jardgrunnur_1utg_fl: Jarðgrunnsgögn af Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Surface deposits of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Laus setlög, svo sem jökulgarðar og árset. [Unconsolidated sediments including glacial morianes and river sediments.]

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    Þekja (layer) j100v_austurland_skridur_1utg_li: Lagið sýnir útlínur stærstu framhlaupa á svæðinu. [The layer shows the outlines of the largest landslides of the area.]

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    Gagnasafn (GDB) NI_J600v_bergradir_ISN93_1.utg: NI_J600v Bergraðir Íslands – 1:600.000 [NI_J600v Igneous rock series of Iceland – 1:600.000]. Kort af þremur bergröðum Íslands. Kortið sýnir virk gosbelti á Íslandi og landgrunni þess á nútíma og síðjökultíma, virk eldstöðvakerfi á nútíma, útbreiðslu gosstöðva og samsetningu gosbergs (flákalag). Staðsetning megineldstöðva er einnig sýnd (punktalag). Gerður er greinarmunur á þóleiískum, alkalískum og millibergskerfum. [The map of the three igneous rock series of Iceland at a scale of 1:600.000 shows the volcanic zones active in Iceland and its insular shelf during the Holocene and Late Pleistocene, volcanic systems active during the Holocene, the distribution of eruption sites and chemical composition of erupted rocks (polygon layer). The position of central volcanoes is also shown (point layer). Tholeiitic, alkalic and transitional alkalic volcanic systems are differentiated.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_gigar_1utg_p: Gervigígar, punktalag. [Rootless cones, point data.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_lindir_1utg_p: Lindir og hverir á Vesturgosbelti Íslands. [Springs and hotsprings of the Western Volcanic Zone of Iceland.] Gögnin sýna laug, hver, lindir, gufu- og leirhver. Gögn eru ekki flokkuð eftir ÍST120:2012 staðlinum. Hér er flokkun eða lýsing nýrra fitjueiginda: 'tegUppsprettuISOR': 2: 10–25°C (Laug) 3: 25–50°C (Laug) 4: 50–75°C (Laug) 5: 75–98°C (Laug) 6: 98–100°C (Hver) 20: Hrúður 30: Leir- og gufuhverir 7212: Lindir 10–100 l/s 7213: Lindir >100 l/s 7214: Lindasvæði 100–1000 l/s 7215: Lindasvæði >1000 l/s 'tegUppsprettuNI': 1: Lindir 4: Laug (10–98°C) 5: Hver (98–100°C) 6: Leir- og gufuhver 'vatnshiti': Hitastig vatnsins við lindina, mælieining: °C. 'gerdiISOR': Grágrýtislind/Grágrýtislindir: Lind/lindir í hrauni eldra en síðasta jökulskeið, Hraunalind/Hraunalindir: Lind/lindir í nútímahrauni, Móbergslind/Móbergslindir: Lind/lindir í móbergi, Sprungulind: Lind í sprungu. [This data includes cold, warm and hot springs, steam and mud springs. The data does not follow the ÍST120:2012 data standard. Explanation and classification of the new feature attributes: 'tegUppsprettuISOR': 2: 10–25°C (Warm spring) 3: 25–50°C (Warm spring) 4: 50–75°C (Warm spring) 5: 75–98°C (Warm spring) 6: 98–100°C (Boiling spring) 20: Hot spring deposits 30: Mud and steam spring 7212: Cold spring 10–100 l/s 7213: Cold spring >100 l/s 7214: Cold spring area 100–1000 l/s 7215: Cold spring area >1000 l/s 'tegUppsprettuNI': 1: Cold spring 4: Warm spring (10–98°C) 5: Boiling spring (98–100°C) 6: Mud and steam spring 'vatnshiti': Temperature of the spring in °C. 'gerdiISOR': Grágrýtislind/Grágrýtislindir: Spring(s) in 'grey basalt' lavas older than the last glacial, Hraunalind/Hraunalindir: Spring(s) in postglacial lavas, Móbergslind/Móbergslindir: Spring(s) in hyaloclastite tuff, Sprungulind: Spring in tectonic fissure.]

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    Þekja [layer] j100v_vesturgosbelti_berggrunnur_1utg_p: Steingervingar og strik og halli. [Fossils and strike and dip.] Gögnin innihalda halli, strík og hallaáttir ásamt þekktum steingervingum. Stríkstefna (fitjueigindi 'strikstefna'): 0-359° - fylgir 'right-hand rule'. Hallastefnu eru +90° frá stríksetfna. [The data includes dip, strike and dip directions along with known fossil locations. Strike direction (feature attribute 'strikstefna') follows the right-hand rule where dip direction is +90° from strike.]

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    The dataset presents three layers of geothermal data from Iceland based on "Atlas of Geothermal Resources in Europe" (2002). Heat-flow density, Temperature at 1000 meters and Temperature at 2000 meters (1:10 000 000).