Myndkort umbrotasvæðið á Reykjanesi 2. nóvember 2023 - Orthomosaics Reykjanes
See english text below.
Gos hófst við Fagradalsfjall 19. mars 2021 og stóð í um hálft ár. Myndkort Reykjanesgossins var upphaflega búið til í samstarfi Náttúrfræðistofnunar Íslands, Náttúrufræðistofnunar, Jarðvísindastofnunar og Almannavarna, sem hluti af viðbragðsáætlun gossins við Fagradalsfjall árið 2021. Aftur hófst gos 3. ágúst 2022 og var formlega lokið í desember sama ár. Árið 2023, 10. júlí, hófst gos á ný á Reykjanesskaga og voru upptökin við Litla-Hrút. Frá 5. ágúst sama ár var engin virkni í gígnum. Öflug jarðskjálftahrina hófst síðan skammt norðan við Grindavík þann 25. október 2023. Í kjölfarið fylgdi mikil virkni á svæðinu, gögn benda til kvikuinnskota og skýr merki eru um landris. Öflun gagna fyrir myndkort var haldið áfram og nýjar myndir gerðar aðgengilegar og birtar í Umbrotasjá.
Myndirnar voru teknar með Phase One myndavél um borð í flugvél og unnar með Agisoft ljósmælingahugbúnaðinum til að búa til hæðarlíkan (Digital Elevation Models, DEM) og myndkort. Myndkortin eru aðgengileg í gegnum WMS þjónustur og á vef Umbrotasjár ( innan við sólarhring eftir gögnunum hefur verið aflað.
Gögnin eru uppfærð jafnt og þétt þegar nýjar upplýsingar berast og á meðan á gosinu stendur.
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An eruption began at Fagradalsfjall on March 19, 2021 and lasted for about six months. The orthomosaic of the Reykjanes eruption has been created in a collaborative effort between the Natural History Institute of Iceland, Institute of Nature Research, the Institute of Earth Sciences and Almannavarnir, as part of the response plan of the Fagradalsfjall eruption of 2021.
Eruption began again on August 3, 2022 and was officially over in December of the same year. In 2023, on July 10, an eruption started again on the Reykjaness Peninsula, and the source was at Litli-Hrútur. From August 5 of the same year there was no activity in the crater.
A powerful series of earthquakes then began just north of Grindavík on October 25, 2023. This was followed by intense activity in the area, data indicates magmatic intrusions and there are clear signs of landrising. The acquisition of data for image maps continued and new images were made available and published in Umbrotasjá:
The images were taken with a Phase One camera on board an aircraft and processed with Agisoft photometry software to create Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and image maps. The image maps are available through WMS services and on Umbrotasjár's website ( within 24 hours after the data has been acquired.
The data is updated constantly, or when new information is received during the eruption.
The data collected and processed by the Institute of Nature Research, the Icelandic Institute of Natural History and the Institute of Earth Sciences. Based on the work of Pedersen et al., 2022.
Pedersen, G. B. M., Belart, J. M. C., Óskarsson, B. V., Gudmundsson, M. T., Gies, N., Högnadóttir, T., et al. (2022). Volume, effusion rate, and lava transport during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption: Results from near real-time photogrammetric monitoring. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL097125.
- Date ( Publication )
- 2023-11-02
- Status
- Under development
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- Keywords ( Theme )
- Reykjanes
- Fagradalsfjall
- Keilir
- eldgos
- myndkort
- orthomosaic
- Keywords ( Place )
- Access constraints
- Copyright
- Use constraints
- otherRestictions
- Other constraints
- Other constraints
- Spatial representation type
- Vector
- Denominator
- 5000
- Metadata language
- is
- Character set
- UTF8
- Topic category
- Imagery base maps earth cover
- Reference system identifier
- 3057
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
Heimasíða Náttúrufræðistofnun
Heimasíða Náttúrufræðistofnun.
- OnLine resource
Geophysical Research Letter
Volume, Effusion Rate, and Lava Transport During the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption: Results From Near Real-Time Photogrammetric Monitoring
- OnLine resource
Umbrotasvæðið á Reykjanesskaga - Vefsjá
Umbrotasvæðið á Reykjanesskaga - Vefsjá
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Statement
- The images were collected with a Phase One camera onboard of a plane, and processed with Agisoft photogrammetric software, in order to create Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) and orthomosaics. The orthomosaics were made available via WMS and in the Umbrotasjá webpage ( less than one day after data collection.
- File identifier
- 1d57bd62-a6d9-4149-9490-300d254307d7 XML
- Metadata language
- is
- Character set
- UTF8
- Date stamp
- 2023-11-27T10:57:37
- Metadata standard name
- INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules
- Metadata standard version
- Technical Guidelines based on EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119 (Version 1.2)