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IS: Í korstjánni er hægt að skoða hæðarlíkan af Íslandi og hlaða því niður. en: The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Map from Náttúrufræðistofnun allows to view and download the DEM, find its derivative like slope and orientation and much more. ÍslandsDEM refers to "Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Iceland" in English. A DEM is a digital representation of the Earth's surface topography, typically represented as a grid of elevation values. It provides information about the height or elevation of the terrain across a specific area, allowing for the creation of detailed three-dimensional representations of the landscape. DEM data is widely used in various applications, including geographic information systems (GIS), environmental modeling, land use planning, engineering design, and natural resource management. It can be used to analyze terrain characteristics, calculate slope and aspect, identify drainage patterns, model water flow, and assess landscape suitability for various purposes.
EN This shadow map illustrates terrain-induced shadows at 17:45 on August 12th, 2026. The solar eclipse will not be visible within the shaded areas. Shadow coverage may vary depending on the simulation resolution and the specific time. IS Skuggakortið sýnir staði þar sem skuggar falla klukkan 17:45 þann 12. ágúst 2026. Sólmyrkvinn mun ekki sjást á þeim svæðum sem eru í skugga. Skuggasvæðin geta verið breytileg vegna upplausnar hæðarkortsins og á öðrum tímum.
Hæðargögnin innhalda bæði línu- og punktalag.Í laginu is50v_haedarlinur eru sýndar hæðarlínur 20 metra og 100 metra hæðarlínur. Á fáeinum stöðum er að finna viðbótar 10 metra hæðarlínur.