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Average near-Up crustal velocities between summer 2015 and summer 2018. These velocities indicate velocities in the Up direction. However, they could be slightly influence by velocities along the East and North directions and are therefore called near-Up. Near-Up velocities were derived by decomposing the line-of-sight velocities of six Sentinel-1 interferometric time-series covering Iceland. These time-series used a single master approach and Sentinel-1 images from the following summers (mid-June to end of September): 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The near-Up velocity grid has a 50 m resolution.
Average near-East crustal velocities between summer 2015 and summer 2018. These velocities indicate velocities in the East direction. However, they could be slightly influence by velocities along the North and Up directions and are therefore called near-East. Near-East velocities were derived by decomposing the line-of-sight velocities of six Sentinel-1 interferometric time-series covering Iceland. These time-series used a single master approach and Sentinel-1 images from the following summers (mid-June to end of September): 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. The near-East velocity grid has a 50 m resolution.
Skoðunarþjónustur fyrir INSPIRE tilskipunina
Niðurhalsþjónustur fyrir INSPIRE tilskipunina og grunngerð landupplýsinga. Vefþjónn fyrir landfræðileg gögn Umhverfisstofnunar. Vefþjónnin er byggður á opnum staðli OGC og hægt er að nálgast gögnin á vefþjóninum í gegnum ýmsar tegundir þjónusta, s.s. WFS, WMS.
Niðurhalsþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og grunngerð landupplýsinga
Skoðunarþjónustur í samræmi við INSPIRE tilskipunina og lög um grunngerð fyrir stafrænar landupplýsingar
Staðsetningar loftmælistöðva á Íslandi. Umhverfisstofnun skilar árlega loftgæðaskýrslum til Evrópsku umhverfisstofnunarinnar (EEA) og uppfylla þau gögn INSPIRE-tilskipanir varðandi flokkun stöðva. Rekstraraðilar geta breytt gögnum stöðva.